Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Truckers Can Your Resume Go the Distance
Truckers Can Your Resume Go the Distance Once you’ve finished your CDL schooling, it’s time to put that learning and license to good use, and a well-curated resume can get you there! According to, â€Å"The major traits you want to capitalize on are which kind of certified license you have, your positive safety record, and your healthy physical exam results.†Don’t make the mistake of thinking a trucking resume needs less polished formatting or careful proofreading than a desk job application! Begin by putting your name and contact information front and center–if you don’t already have a professional email address (like, as opposed to make sure you open an account and check it regularly.Include a Career Objective next, which is a short statement introducing you and describing why you’re the best fit for the job, like this: â€Å"Dry Haul Driver with over 4 years experience with zero accidents. Possesse s a Class A License.†Then move on to a list of your Professional Experience–starting with the most recent and working backwards. With concise bullet points, emphasize the specific responsibilities you mastered with each position, particularly any unusual or high-skill aspects of the job. Employers like to see well-rounded applications who have experience in all aspects of the job. Make sure you use a consistent tense and format for each bullet, (i.e. â€Å"Drove mix truck†¦, Conducted inspections†¦, Operated levers†¦,†NOT â€Å"Load materials†¦, Trained employees†¦, Follow guidelines†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ).Next is the Additional Skills section, which you can alternatively call a Highlights section and put before your experience if you’d prefer to show off your skills (or if you’ve got less on-the-job experience to promote).  This section can be an even pithier list of your defining characteristics - Reliable; Safety-minded; De fensive Driver, Customer-Oriented, Experienced Navigator; Clean DMV Record; Efficient and Punctual, etc. If your resume is looking a little barren, consider spending some time bulking it up with vehicle repair classes or even a first aid certification–anything that will make it clear you’re an asset to have on the road.Lastly, the Education and License sections! Give the name of your school and the class of your license.Have a friend with excellent communication skills look over your resume for grammar and punctuation issues, then start sending it out to land the gigs that will take you across the country in style!The Road Ready Truck Driver ResumeRead More at
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Prince of Demons Lies Among Us Professor Ramos Blog
The Prince of Demons Lies Among Us History repeats itself. For centuries horrifying atrocities have occurred repeatedly. In the aftermath we ask ourselves why? How? We absolve ourselves and our responsibility in these atrocities by offering prayers, but do we ever take action to end the destruction? The answer is no or else it wouldn’t happen again. During the holocaust innocent families were ripped apart; adults and children were tortured and killed because of their religious belief. For decades, African Americans in the south were raped, tortured, or lynched because of the color of their skin. Today, crowds of unarmed civilians are gunned down by a single man wielding a gun, sometimes there’s a motive, sometimes there’s not. In any case, it’s tragic, senseless and destructive. So how do we explain this? Maybe we call it racism, hate crimes, or mental illness. Maybe we invent a demon who causes all these things and we blame it on the demon. That’s where the Demogorgon comes into play. The Demogorgon is a demon, it is the worst of the worst, the Prince of Demons. This demon is responsible for all the destruction, murder, chaos, rage and evil in the world. In the game Dungeons and Dragons, the Demogorgon is described as â€Å"a rampaging monster, said to be â€Å"the embodiment of chaos, madness, and destruction.†Can you imagine a single being causing a massive amount of pain in one sitting? I chose this monster because I believe it is a fictional representation of something, we see every day but can’t face. Like the Demogorgon, Mass shooters can cause a severe amount of pain and destruction on a small-time frame. With the time it takes to blow out a candle a mass shooter could have already sprayed down a group of unarmed civilians with and automatic rifle. â€Å"The shooting, which is being called the worst of its kind in modern U.S. history, occurred at an outdoor concert close to the Mandalay Bay Resort, the New York Times reports. The suspected gunman – Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, of Mesquite. Nev., fired for 10 to 15 minutes on concert goers from a room at the resort using what were thought to be fully automatic weapons, according to NBC News†(Axelrod). The Demogorgon is strong, fast and an unarmed human does not stand a chance against this demon. The mass shooter himself is not particularly a strong or fast being but equipped with a weapon made for mass destruction and a lack of conscience he creates destruction, madness, and chaos swiftly. In reference to the shooting in Las Vegas on October 1 2017 it was said that â€Å"It was a deadlier day than American soldiers have ever suffered in Iraq or Afghanistan, and the worst mass shooting in modern US history.†The shooter causes destruction by killing and wounding civilians. The shooter destroys families by ripping their loved ones away from their family. Along with one person’s death dies their future, their hopes, their dreams. What they could have become and what they could have provided their family and the world also dies. The Demogorgon does not care about the death toll and neither does a mass shooter. The mass shooter causes madness and chaos from the sound of gun shots. The Demogorgon is silent and stealth, it’s hard to detect his presence before an attack but once he lets loose a guttural screech, you are made aware of his presence and proximity to yourself. A mass shooter could go unnoticed in a crowd of people but once the sound of gun shots rings out, people start screaming and running. Unfortunately, it’s not always clear where the shots are coming from so people run in all directions. Sometimes people trip and fall and get trampled by a stampede of scared and panicked people. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen is the writer of Monster Culture (Seven These) where he breaks down the different aspects of monsters and helps explain what purpose they serve. The first monster theory that applies to the Demogorgon is Thesis II: the monster always escapes. â€Å"We see the damage that the monster wreaks, the material remains, but the monster itself turns immaterial and vanishes to reappear someplace else†. The Demogorgon lives in another dimension referred to as the upside down in the Netflix show Stranger Things. This dimension is similar to one that humans live in with the only difference being death and dark magic exist there (Stranger Things, season one, episode 8). The Demogorgon is able to open a portal into the human dimension where it kills without prejudice and then goes back through the portal to its own world. A mass shooter could be anyone with an arsenal of firearms. A mass shooter lives among us, they have jobs, families and hobbies. They seem like one of us until the day comes that they pack up their guns head to a crowded event and shoot down every man, woman, or child. Then the shooter kills himself or is killed by someone else in hopes of preventing further damage. On October 1, 2017 at the route 91 harvest music festival in Las Vegas Stephen Paddock gunned down a crowd of concertgoers, 58 people were killed and 515 were wounded by gunfire. Before police could apprehend Paddock, he killed himself. He didn’t have to answer to anyone for his crime, he didn’t have to face the aftermath of what he caused, he escaped. As the Demogorgon reappears through its portal, a mass shooter isn’t one single person but a title that can be obtained by anyone who guns down a group of unarmed civilians. So just because one mass shooter kills himself another one will pop up in his place to kill again. Thesis V: the monster polices the borders of the possible applies to the Demogorgon. â€Å"Curiosity is more often punished than rewarded†(Cohen 12). This proves to be true for the faction of the government seeking to extend the boundaries of the human mind. In season one of Stranger Things, a little girl with telekinetic and telepathic powers is used to make contact with the Demogorgon, by doing this she creates a bridge between its dimension and ours. This makes it possible for the Demogorgon to wreak havoc on the human dimension. In an article in the New York Times, author Camilla Schick explained that Stephen Paddock was able to gun down so many people in such a short period of time not only because he had 14 AR-15 rifles, 8 AR-10 rifles, a bolt-action rifle, and a revolver but also his AR-15 rifles were equipped with bump stocks with 100 round magazines. Bump stocks modify semi-automatic weapons so that they can shoot rapidly without pause. All these weapons and accessories were purchased lawfully in broad daylight. Why do citizens living in a civilized society need automatic rifles? And why do they need bump stocks that make an already dangerous weapon more dangerous and faster? The government made automatic rifles legal, they made bump stocks legal and in doing so they made these atrocities possible. What is the government trying to explore by providing clear and easy access to weapons of mass destruction? It is our American born right to bear arms but at what body count does this access and exploration of weaponry end? After Paddocks rampage in Las Vegas the bump stock was banned in December 2018 with the regulation in effect as of March 2019. That did not put an end to mass shootings. The Demogorgon is a demon, out of all the demons it is the evilest. It is one creature and causes a severe amount of pain and death with no remorse. I believe the Demogorgon is meant to represent mass shooters. A mass shooter is a single person who severely wounds or kills a crowd of strangers with no remorse. They gun down people so effortlessly it’s almost like its instinct for them. We created these monsters by giving them access to guns and telling them it’s their natural born right. We continue to strengthen mass shooters by legalizing more types of guns and more types of accessories that enhance already enhanced weapons. The Demogorgon is scary but it is a creation of our imaginations, we can give it weaknesses, find an â€Å"Achilles heel†and then it’s not so scary because we stand a chance of fighting back. Whenever I would misbehave, my mom would tell me â€Å"I brought you into this world and I can take you out†; The American government has brought to life the possibility of mass shootings and we all stand dumbfounded and heart broken when another mass shooting happens. We forget that government is for the people and the American government can end that possibility of mass shootings. â€Å"Article Demogorgon: Prince of Demons.†Demogorgon: Prince of Demons | Dungeons Dragons, Axelrod, Jason. â€Å"Las Vegas Officials Respond to Shooting, Others across Country Voice Support.†American City County Exclusive Insight, Oct. 2017, p. 2. EBSCOhost, Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Chapter one Monster Culture (Seven Theses). Univ of Minnesota Press.1996. Schick, Camilla; Horn, Dave; Cirillo, Chris (October 2, 2017). Las Vegas Shooting Live Updates: Multiple Weapons Found in Las Vegas Gunmans Hotel Room. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on October 2, 2017. Retrieved October 2, 2017. Stranger Things: Season One. Written by Ross Duffer, Matt Duffer, Justin Doble, Jessie Nickson-Lopez, Paul Ditcher, Kate Trefty, Netflix, 2016. ZORNICK, GEORGE. â€Å"WMDs in Las Vegas. (Cover Story).†Nation, vol. 305, no. 10, Oct. 2017, p. 3. EBSCOhost,
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What is democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What is democracy - Essay Example A popular definition of democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people. Elections are held periodically (usually every 4 or 5 years) that determine ministers who would take part in state’s operations. Every adult (usually above 18 years) has the right to vote and decide on the ministers who would actively represent their country Even after election, there are checks and balances so that those who hold offices are kept on their toes. If people are not satisfied with the performance of a particular minister or party, they can show their dissent through petitions, marches, blogs, or other peaceful means. There are rooms for diverse opinions and multiple parties exist to represent different ideologies. Some countries under British model of democracy can have any number of parties, like in the parliamentary form of democracy. The number of parties is restricted to three or four in some democracies like US and UK because of administrative reasons, ensuring that democratic tenets are not compromised in the process. It is only natural that under democratic system, which promotes diverse views and opinions, there are multiple parties competing with each other. The head of state is either designated as ‘president’ or ‘prime minister.’ As democracy takes into account majority view while taking collective decisions, the basic concept right from formation of ruling council (parliament) to any minute issue regarding its operation remains the same. A country is divided into a number of regions or provinces. A candidate is selected as winner for a particular region if he or she has secured the maximum number of votes for that region. A candidate either represents a party or can stand independent. If a candidate stands independent, depending upon the constitution of that country, he or she may or may not be allowed to support a political party later on during the elected tenure. Parliament consists of group of ministers who have all won maximum number of votes from their respective regions. Ministers represent different parties, if not independent. The party that has sufficient amount of majority will be the ruling party from which key ministerial post of president or prime minister is determined. The ruling party’s members together determine who their president or prime minister would be. President or prime minister, as the case may be, allocates responsibilities to other ministers in the party, such as defense minister, finance minister, etc. This is the main concept behind any democratic form of government, which is tailored in context of a particular country. When democracy is in pure form, one can expect that there will be no distinction made on account of religion, caste, language, or culture. In democracy, there is a right for everyone to live with whatever small or big aspirations they have. Democracy gives an opportunity to all to progress, without making distinction on personal issues like sexual orientation, believe or disbelieve in reincarnation, etc. The terms democracy and civil society come side by side. While defining civil society, Jane Morse states that civil society comprises â€Å"individuals like you and me.†Interesting to note is the statement, ‘democracy depends on civil society’ by Morse. What Morse perhaps wants to highlight through this watchword is overwhelming importance of citizens. Democratic government is there to serve its citizens. Democratically elected government is not an end by itself, but means to an end of serving its citizens. According to, â€Å"Governments alone cannot build strong democracies, thriving economies, or stable societies; it is the people themselves  especially the civil society organizations  that bring people together.†While democratic government is given a mandate by citizens to run state in the best interest of citizens, civil society absorbs citizens in a m ore direct way. If there is threat on civil society, then it reflects that the problem is perhaps with the true implementation of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Introduced or invasive species Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Introduced or invasive species - Lab Report Example With the introduction of globalization, efforts are on the way to introduce various plants and animals to other locations. Some of the species enhance the biodiversity of the new habitat while others require human involvement and care for their proliferation. The introduced species creates disturbance as it is potentially eliminating biomass from a specific community (Hughes, 2010; Invasive Plants-- A Horticultural Perspective). The problem occurs when the invasive species affects the agriculture, forest and also the prey and predators of the ecosystem. Reports state that 2/3rd of 40 North American fresh water extinct fishes in a century, were due to the invasive species. Thus invasive species are creating troubles for the native species in a varied manner- they not only affect the space, but also create competition for the food and therefore affect the food chain and food web, thereby affecting the ecosystem. They may act as predators for the native species, reproduce with the native species and generate hybrids. In such case rare species of the native environment are becoming endangered. Some of the US invasions encompass- Enhanced trade has made an invasion of Asian longhorn beetle from China to US (1996). It came to US in a wood packing material. The beetle is known to nourish on the hardwood trees and also on sugar maple thereby creating serious menace to the US forest (Invasive species.). Threats imposed by invasive species are becoming a serious issue across the world. They are affecting the natural ecosystem to a greater extent. Keeping this in view, President Clinton endorsed an Executive Order 13112 in the year 1999 to preclude the initiation of invasive species to prevent the ecosystem. It is the need of time to detect the introduction of the species as early as possible and measures should be taken to eradicate the species before it proliferates to the alarming levels.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Dodge Ram Essay Example for Free
Dodge Ram Essay †¢ During an executive test drive just months before product launch, Daimler Chrysler officials declared a no-launch decision because of excessive vehicle vibration for the companys newly designed Dodge Ram Mega Cab 44 pickup. †¢ Cummins Inc. , manufacturer of the trucks diesel engine, immediately chartered a Six Sigma team and employed the DMAIC problem-solving process to diagnose and correct the factors leading to the high vibration levels. †¢ Through extensive testing, the Six Sigma team determined that by increasing the crankshaft counterweight radius, vibrations were significantly reduced. †¢ The Cummins team completed the DMAIC project in an extraordinary time frame  just over four months  resulting in a 16% reduction in vibration levels and a 100% increase in sales of the truck in the first year compared to sales projections. It was less than nine months before Daimler Chrysler launched its new 2006 Dodge Ram Mega Cab 44 pickup when top company executives tested vehicle prototypes during a semi-annual executive ride-and-drive session. During the test drives, the automakers executives determined that excessive engine vibrations felt in the cab created a no-launch situation. The company then turned to Cummins Inc. , supplier of the vehicles 5. 9-liter turbo-diesel engine, looking to dramatically reduce the vibration levelsâ€â€and quickly! Cummins, which already had a successful companywide Six Sigma program in place, immediately launched a Six Sigma project to tackle the vibration problem. Cummins Inc. deployed a Six Sigma team to reduce engine vibration just six months prior to the September 2005 launch of the new Dodge Ram Mega Cab 44 pickup. Recognizing consumer demand for better fuel economy and reduced emissions, both Toyota and Honda have introduced hybrid vehicles to the American market. Toyota introduced the Prius to the U. S. in 2000. Honda began selling the hybrid two-seater Insight in the U. S. in 1999. U. S. Sales in the hybrid vehicle industry have increased over 570 percent since model year 20001. Today, hybrid vehicles hold a 1% market share in the U. S. ,2 and there are three models of hybrid vehicles dominating the market: the Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, and the Honda Civic Hybrid. The Toyota Prius Toyota’s initial marketing strategy for the Prius targeted innovators and early adopters of new technologies. * The 2000 â€Å"Prius/genius†campaign focused on highlighting Toyota’s commitment to creating environmentally responsible vehicles4 and on using online space to engage technophiles early on in the production process. Toyota enabled interested customers to visit a special website about Prius development as early as two years before the introduction of the product. Toyota used focus groups and clinics with target consumers to evaluate different aspects of the Prius. Toyota found that the consumers valued high technology, affordable price, clean operation, comfort, quality, convenient design, and safety. Toyota’s television and print ads underscored the evolutionary aspects of hybrid technology and freedom from dependence on oil. Toyota created online e-brochures with a 17-second video clip that were sent to the almost 44,000 people. 5 In addition, Toyota benefited from various celebrity endorsements that attracted attention to the new Prius.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay --
Pouya Ghasemlou Professor Lavelle Writing about Literature 102 22 February 2014 Terms Both plays are extreme illustrations of Greek Tragedy in a sense that ‘Protagonist’ suffers from some severe hardship which is due to his/her own actions (Tragic Flaw (Hamartia)) - that element of his/her character that will lead his/her to the failure, for example, Creon's obsession with power leads to him losing all of his loved ones . Antigone is the protagonist but cursed with a tragic fate. She has often been known as literature's first Feminist since she defies to the idea that men govern and enforce the law because they are stronger so she is one of the original heroines in the history of literature. Antigone is not just a Feminist play but also a radical one too based on the fact that she rises against the tyranny. Both of the plays are One Act Play due to the fact that they took place in a single location and disclose as one uninterrupted act. Both of the plays are structured based on the traditional shape of the prologue which consists of the introduction of t he characters and the plot; choral entry (Parados); and finally interchanging choral song and scene (Stasimon). The place for Chorus to dance (Greek Orchestra) is the level round zone which is close to the front of the stage. In both of the plays ‘God Machine’ or ‘deus ex machine’ is the hoist that brings the actors to the scene. Since both of the plays have the same time and place so they have the same Setting. They also use similar Conventions, for instance, using of Greek Chorus, which is a group of people who dance and sing without direct contribution in the play. Chorus normally adverse with the characters in the play, and in between each scene of dialogue they talk about t... ... Oedipus’ request of banishment. In the Antigone on the other hand Falling action happens when Creon agrees to free her from the prison. But it was too late and she already killed herself. Antigone’s husband tries to murder Creon but when he fails he committed suicide. Eurydice, also killed herself. Foreshadowing is another literary device that has been used. Oedipus’s explicitly defines â€Å"swollen foot,†this foretells his sighting of his own self in both plays, Teiresias announces the fate of both Oedipus and Creon and is ignored by both men – this predicts the idea that leads Oedipus to ruin his eyesight. Symbols, Oedipus’ â€Å"Swollen Foot†– Oedipus gets his name from the fact that he was abandoned on the mountainside while both of his feet were nailed; this wound left him with a scar that represents that destiny has ‘marked him and set him apart’( Spark Note).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Early Childhood Educational Philosophy Essay
â€Å"It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts †¦ it is to teach them to think, if that is possible, and always to think for themselves. †Robert Hutchins. It is very clear to me that a successful early childhood program must provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Young children need a warm and inviting atmosphere to learn. Children must have their basic needs met before any learning can take place. Safety, nutrition, and shelter are a few needs which must be provided. Although early childhood centers may not directly provide these services outside the regular school day, administrators must connect with outside agencies in order to recommend and provide families with necessary services. Children need to be encouraged to express themselves though verbal communication, text/pictures, play, and through art. Children learn through manipulation of objects in their environment, creative play, and discovery of the world around them. It is through group play, role modeling, and through supportive teaching that children grow socially and emotionally. These group activities teach young children how to live, work and play together. Independent and guided problem solving and independent exploration help children gain greater independence. Children need both independent and teamwork skills to become a well rounded person Early childhood teachers need to understand that often they are the one person spending the majority of the time with the children they are teaching. Parents today are busy with work and trying to keep the household together. Released by the U. S. Census Bureau in November, 2009 there are approximately 13. 7 million single parent s in the United States today. These single parents are responsible for raising 21. 8 million children which is roughly 26% of children under 21 in the U. S. today. I strongly believe that early childhood teachers are responsible for forming a superior bond with each parent so they can work together to help each child grow as an individual, based on the child’s needs. A classroom is places where differences should be valued and children and their families are appreciated and respected. Each Classroom is diverse in many ways, including economically, and culturally. I believe each teacher, parent and administrator should be committed to promoting diversity in all its forms, including those related to racial and ethnic identity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexuality, age, family structure, religion, national origin and ability. I believe as educators we should actively seek to teach children tolerance of all forms of difference, and just as actively seek to dissuade children from bias about norms and stereotypes. Throughout the classroom as well as the center there should be displays that show diversity as a celebration of people, of differences and of ways of living. I believe in early childhood education the best form of assessment is performance records. Performance records are any documentation regarding the child’s development and learning. These records help the child care provider to notice patterns in a child’s behavior as well as learning patterns. It is important to document at various times of the day as well as with a variety of teacher directed and child directed activities. I feel in early childhood children develop at differently, some children develop faster than others and therefore standardize testing is not an accurate account of the children’s abilities. At this age in a child’s life children should not be measured against their peers. I believe that each child should be measured on an individual basis. I feel that the best approach to curriculum is the integrated curriculum approach which involves picking one topic that can be explored across more than one academic discipline. I do feel that children are going to be more interested if they have some choice in the topics. With preschool children they are at an age where they can express what they want. I feel that a teacher should include them in some of the topics they explore. Children should participate independently, with the entire group and cooperatively in small groups. Each day should be a balance of free-choice time and planned structured activities in specific time blocks. Activities throughout the day are either child-initiated or teacher-directed. This variety promotes independence, provides opportunities for children to practice and acquire social skills and fosters the development of a positive self-image. It is important for every teacher and administrator to remember that â€Å"In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then and their future life is safe. †Lydia Sigourney. I truly believe that each child that walks into our lives is there for us to nurture and help grow and we may be the only one that is laying the foundations. We have a chance to change the life of every child that walks in our center.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Case Study Of The Jaipur Rail Project Environmental Sciences Essay
An efficient system of determination devising for sustainable socioeconomic development, with an effectual environmental direction of the beginnings of environmental impact and effects of such impacts, need to be put in topographic point in order to implement the authorities policy of environmental protection and safety at the regional degree. Sustainable development is the consequence of carefully incorporating environmental, economic and societal demands in the policy degree to accomplish both an increased criterion of life in the short term, and a net addition or equilibrium among human, natural and economic resources to back up future coevalss. This EIA survey is to set up present environmental conditions along the proposed Jaipur Metro Corridors: Predict the impacts on relevant environmental properties due to the building and operation of the proposed undertaking and urge equal extenuation steps to minimise / cut down inauspicious impacts. The information presented in this subdi vision is drawn from assorted beginnings such as studies, field studies and environment monitoring. Majority of informations on H2O quality, flora, air and noise quality was collected during field surveies in November 2009 to Feb. 2010. Furthermore, operational guidelines, monitoring, and station closing steps were suggested. The process followed and recommendations made by this survey may function as counsel for contrivers and determination shapers to carry on EIA for landfills under similar conditions. Cardinal words: EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment ) , EPA ( Environmental Protection Act ) EPR ( Environmental Protection Regulation ) , EIS ( Environmental Impact Statement ) , EIA system and procedure. Introduction The chief purpose of the EIA survey is to set up present environmental conditions along the proposed jaipur tube corridors ; predict the impacts on relevant environmental properties due to the building and operation of the proposed undertaking and urge equal extenuation steps to minimize/reduce inauspicious impacts. The different constituents of environment in which alterations are likely to happen include H2O, land, air, ecology, noise, socio-economic issues, etc. The aims of the Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) survey for the proposed Undertaking are to the elements of the environment probably to be affected by the proposed developments ; to set up the baseline environmental and societal scenario of the undertaking country ; to place and quantify emanation beginnings and find the significance of impacts on sensitive receptors, to foretell and measure environmental and societal impacts expected during the building and operation stages of the undertaking, to measure the sentiment of the populace as observed in the public hearing, including the suggestions given by the populace and the response of the undertaking governments, to develop extenuation steps so as to minimise pollution, environmental perturbation and nuisance during building and operations of the development, to plan and stipulate the monitoring demands necessary to guarantee the execution and the effectivity of the extenuation steps suggested and to work out the cost of envi ronmental extenuation and monitoring demands. The environment impact appraisal is normally carried out in eight stairss ; each of which has an equal importance in finding the overall public presentation of the undertaking. Location and Physical geography Jaipur popularly known as the Pink City, is the capital of Rajasthan. Jaipur is located at 26A °55aˆ?N 75A °49aˆ?Ei »? / i »?26.55A °N 75.52A °Ei »? / . It has an mean lift of 431A metres ( 1417A foot ) . The meteoric status prevailing at the undertaking path during the survey twelvemonth is given below in Table 1.All the monitoring station are selected with in 500 m from the path. Table 1: Meteorologic Data ( IMD ) Parameters Maximum Minimum Average Temperature 45.4EsC 5.0EsC 30EsC Relative Humidity 61 % 17 % 50.66 % Wind Speed 28 kmph 0 kmph 14.9 kmph Wind Direction Predominant air current way are NW and NE Rain––613.6 millimeter Beginning: IMD, Jaipur Fig.1. Proposed corridor Fig.2. Methodology of EIA Fig.3 Satellite map demoing monitoring station. Methodology: – The different constituents of environment in which alterations are likely to happen include H2O, land, air, ecology, noise, socio-economic issues, etc, hence all these parametric quantity are analyzed: – Land H2O and dirt analysis: – The groundwater and dirt quality in the survey country is reported to be good. However, laboratory analyses were done for a limited figure of samples, the inside informations of which are provided in Tables and 3 Air quality: – Degrees of SPM, RSPM are on the higher side for the sensitive countries. However SPM in Ajmeri gate is highest National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This is because of the highest traffic in the country. In the other countries besides the SPM are higher due to heavy traffic. Chand Pole is the busy country where one can see assorted residential and commercial land usage. Degrees of SO2 and NOX are good within the prescribed bounds of NAAQS at all receptors. Noise degree: – It can be observed that the noise degrees are good within the criterions. The twenty-four hours noise degree was found to be highest at Chand Pole Gate, which is one of the busiest intersections of the metropolis. Environmental Management Plan Based on the environmental baseline conditions, planned undertaking activities and its impact assessed, the set of steps to be taken during execution and operation to avoid, countervail inauspicious environmental impacts or to cut down them to acceptable degrees, together with the action which needs to be taken to be implemented are given in this subdivision. Conclusions & A ; Recommendations Based on undertaking specifics and bing environmental conditions possible impacts have been identified that are likely to ensue from the proposed undertaking and where possible these have been quantified in table 4. Harmonizing to study, about 1158 trees are likely to be lost due to the undertaking along the alliance. Ten times the figure of trees is proposed to be planted. Hence a 9000 workss are required to be planted in the undertaking country at a entire cost of Rs. 13 hundred thousand. It is presumed that authorities land will be provided for afforestation ; hence no land cost will be involved. The recommended works species for afforestation include Khejari, Castor, Roida ( sheesham ) , Khair, Kair, Harsingar, lemon, pepal, ber, babool, neem, sirus, ..gulmohar, arjun, papri, bottle brash, amla etc The public wellness installations such as H2O supply sanitation and lavatories are much needed at undertaking location. Water should be treated before usage upto WHO criterions. Properly designed rain H2O reaping systems will be installed at all Stationss to conserve H2O. There will be an addition in noise degree in ambient air due to building and operation of metro rail. The addition in degrees is fringy ; therefore local population will non be adversely affected. However, the exposure of workers to high noise degrees particularly near engine, blowhole shaft, etc. necessitate to be minimized. This can be achieved by occupation rotary motion, mechanization, protective devices, noise barriers, and soundproof compartments, control suites, etc. The workers employed in high noise degree country could be employed in low noise degree countries. Automation of equipment and machineries, wherever possible should be done to avoid uninterrupted exposure of workers to resound. At work topographi c points, where mechanization of machineries is non possible, the workers exposed to resound should be provided with protective devices. Particular acoustic enclosures should be provided for single noise bring forthing equipments, wherever possible. Vibration emanates from rail-wheel interaction and the same can be reduced by minimising surface abnormalities of wheel and rail, bettering path geometry, supplying elastic fasteners, and separation of rail place assembly from the concrete pedestal with interpolation of resilient and daze absorbing tablet.
Friday, November 8, 2019
5 Essential Tips for Aspiring Graphic Designers
5 Essential Tips for Aspiring Graphic Designers For creative types who enjoy making visual art, a career in graphic design makes sense. It offers the opportunity to combine work with play and turn a talent into a career- a very lucrative career if youre a standout in the industry.Graphic design can be a tough field to break into. The industry is flooded with graphic designers looking to make names for themselves and get a foot in the door. Standing out takes more than talent; it takes diligence, patience and an understanding of what graphic design is all about.Not only do designers use visual artistry to convey a message that inspires an idea or action, they do it in accordance with a clients specific goals. It takes time and effort to build expertise in a field that combines art theory, typography, programming, marketing and communications. And while theres no set path to success in graphic design, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of getting work and getting known. First, you should understand theres a lot yo u dont know about graphic design.1. Do the courseworkAccomplished designer Timothy Samara described the process of graphic design as seeing (and understanding) how the qualities of visual material- shapes, images, color theory, typography, and layout- work, and work together†¦ and then being able to decide which qualities of each are relevant and engaging and useful for visualizing a particular idea or solving a certain problem.Graphic design combines a vast range of skill sets into one role. Successful graphic designers are masters of not only color, shape and typography but also a wide and ever-evolving range of software, programming languages like HTML and CSS, branding, marketing and client communication. Knowledge of animation, 3D and VR (virtual reality) concepts is becoming more common. Graphic designers who have at least a basic understanding of UI/UX (user-interface/user-experience) design principles are even more in demand.It can be difficult to assemble that body of knowledge and skill on your own, so while structured learning isnt strictly necessary to succeed in the industry, it helps a lot.A formal design education could mean a comprehensive design program, typically a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, or individual, well-chosen courses. Design programs cover topics like basic theory and fundamentals, digital-illustration technologies, programming languages, multimedia integration, multi-platform design techniques, branding, self-marketing and portfolio development, providing a well-rounded basis for a career in digital design. It may also offer opportunities for networking and real-world experience, invaluable assets for an aspiring designer (more on that later).Check out Animation Career Reviews list of the top 50 U.S. design programs in 2018 to get a feel for whats out there. But remember, guided coursework can form the basis of a career in graphic design. What it cant do is replace real-world experience.2. Social media: Know whats out thereS uccessful graphic designers know what other graphic designers are creating. In the hierarchy of jobs requiring an of-the-minute mindset, graphic design is up there. Its a fast-paced industry that reflects and sets visual trends, and if you dont know whats getting attention right now, youre losing ground.Social media is a critical tool in the design field, and no less so if youre just starting out. Keeping up with todays noteworthy designs and designers can keep you versed on the latest trends, successes and failures in the industry. It can up your own game, too, suggesting tweaks or entirely new avenues of experimentation in your designs.Do a hashtag search or find one designer and see who[sic] theyre following, suggests digital-marketing expert Sawaram Suthar on Canva. [Y]oure sure to discover works and artist[s] that can inspire you.There are countless ways to keep track of the latest work in graphic design. Various experts mention Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, design b logs and portfolio sites as worth exploring. Lots of design sites have recommendations to get you started: Try Creative Bloqs 32 graphic designers to follow on Instagram, Creative Markets 10 Brilliant Graphic and Web Design Pinterest Boards, the Art Institutes 5 Famous Graphics Designers to Follow, Shillingtons 50 Best Design Blogs You Have to Read in 2018 and Adobes 20 Creatives to Watch in 2018.3. Join the communityFollowing great designers is just the beginning, though. If you really want to make it in the field, engage with them.[I]f youre looking to leverage your design skills, writes Suthar, you need to put yourself out there.Like most creative fields, graphic design thrives on the constant exchange of ideas, opinions and critiques. Networking is a key aspect of launching (and maintaining) a successful design career: Its a highly competitive industry, and when youre low on experience, getting your name out there and building a reputation can help open doors. Designer communiti es offer a way for you to interact with other designers, experienced and novice alike. They provide a forum for you to share your work and get feedback from other designers in the field. Your skills will undoubtedly benefit from posting your work- and commenting on the work of others- on portfolio sites like Dribbble and Behance.Also, check out forums like Graphic Design Forum and Reddit Graphic Design. Follow some threads, join the discussion and ask questions. A lot of experienced designers will be happy to provide guidance and offer new avenues of experimentation that can help you solve a problem or develop your personal style.4. Dont be afraid to failGenerally speaking, get as much feedback on your work as you can. By all accounts, its essential to your development as a designer. Negative feedback can be the most valuable, according to Paula Scher, whose work includes the Citibank umbrella logo (which she reportedly designed on a napkin in five minutes) and the 2012 Windows 8 lo go redesign.You have to fail in order to make the next discovery, she told Psychology in 2009. Its through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad before you can get good.One of the best things you can do as a new graphic designer is consistently share your work in places where youll receive honest feedback. In addition to Behance and Dribbble, Digital Arts Online recommends Adobe Portfolio, Wix, Fabrik and FolioLink as some of the top places to share design work. (Check out the complete list.)In lieu of a large portfolio, build a body of work on social media. Nothing compares to real-world experience, but it can reflect your skill level, range, commitment and following.5. Get real-world experienceStill, definitely be building that portfolio.Its not easy when youre just starting out. In graphic design as in most fields, without experience, its hard to land job, which makes it hard to build the experience you need to land jobs. But experience is everything. It shows what you can do in a real-world design setting, for clients.Internships are great experience-builders. Interns learn on the job, working with professional designers on client-driven projects. (Plus, the firm might hire you if they like your work.) But there are a lot more graphic designers than there are internships, so competition can be fierce. Design programs can be helpful here, as they often offer assistance securing an internship with a design firm during the course of study. You dont need to be in a program to apply, though. You can usually find ads for internships on job-search sites and the sites of the ad agencies and design studios offering them.There are other ways to gain experience, you just have to get creative. Maybe a relatives business website could use a redesign. Suthar suggests offering to design a friends wedding invitation or selling designs on Etsy. Creative Bloq offers an extensive list of online design marketplaces.Also, try volunteering your design skills. Organizations like schools, religious organizations and charities may be open to a new online look. A lot of nonprofits post ads requesting free graphic-design services on both volunteer- and job-search sites.According to Designrfix, you could even show spec work in your portfolio: Find a local company that could use a new logo or website, design it and present it to the owners or marketing team. Whether or not they like it, the experience with the organization will earn you credible work and enhance your portfolio.In conclusion, find clients. As many as you can.Graphic designer, blogger and podcaster Lauren Hooker put it this way: [T]heres no greater teacher than first-hand experience. You can study design, you can plan for the future, and you can seek wisdom from other experienced designers, but you cant gain an accurate picture of what this industry truly looks like until you jump in head-first.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of a Transition in Composition
Definition and Examples of a Transition in Composition In English grammar, a transition is a connection (a word, phrase, clause, sentence, or entire paragraph) between two parts of a piece of writing, contributing to cohesion. Transitional devices include pronouns, repetition, and transitional expressions, all of which are illustrated below. Pronunciation: trans-ZISH-en EtymologyFrom the Latin, to go across Examples and Observations Example: At first a toy, then a mode of transportation for the rich, the automobile was designed as mans mechanical servant. Later it became part of the pattern of living. Here are some examples and insights from other writers: A transition should be short, direct, and almost invisible.Gary Provost, Beyond Style: Mastering the Finer Points of Writing. Writers Digest Books, 1988)A transition is anything that links one sentence- or paragraph- to another. Nearly every sentence, therefore, is transitional. (In that sentence, for example, the linking or transitional words are sentence, therefore, and transitional.) Coherent writing, I suggest, is a constant process of transitioning.(Bill Stott, Write to the Point: And Feel Better About Your Writing, 2nd ed. Columbia University Press, 1991) Repetition and Transitions In this example, transitions are repeated in the prose: The way I write is who I am, or have become, yet this is a case in which I wish I had instead of words and their rhythms a cutting room, equipped with an Avid, a digital editing system on which I could touch a key and collapse the sequence of time, show you simultaneously all the frames of memory that come to me now, let you pick the takes, the marginally different expressions, the variant readings of the same lines. This is a case in which I need more than words to find the meaning. This is a case in which I need whatever it is I think or believe to be penetrable, if only for myself. (Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking, 2006) Pronouns and Repeated Sentence Structures Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it. We anticipate (we know) that someone close to us could die, but we do not look beyond the few days or weeks that immediately follow such an imagined death. We misconstrue the nature of even those few days or weeks. We might expect if the death is sudden to feel shock. We do not expect this shock to be obliterative, dislocating to both body and mind. We might expect that we will be prostrate, inconsolable, crazy with loss. We do not expect to be literally crazy, cool customers who believe that their husband is about to return. (Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking, 2006)When you find yourself having difficulty moving from one section of an article to the next, the problem might be due to the fact that you are leaving out information. Rather than trying to force an awkward transition, take another look at what you have written and ask yourself what you need to explain in order to move on to your next section.(Gary Pr ovost, 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing. Mentor, 1972) Tips on Using Transitions After you have developed your essay into something like its final shape, you will want to pay careful attention to your transitions. Moving from paragraph to paragraph, from idea to idea, you will want to use transitions that are very clear- you should leave no doubt in your readers mind how you are getting from one idea to another. Yet your transitions should not be hard and monotonous: though your essay will be so well-organized you may easily use such indications of transitions as one, two, three or first, second, and third, such words have the connotation of the scholarly or technical article and are usually to be avoided, or at least supplemented or varied, in the formal composition. Use one, two, first, second, if you wish, in certain areas of your essay, but also manage to use prepositional phrases and conjunctive adverbs and subordinate clauses and brief transitional paragraphs to achieve your momentum and continuity. Clarity and variety together are what you want. (Winston W eathers and Otis Winchester, The New Strategy of Style. McGraw-Hill, 1978) Space Breaks as Transitions Transitions are usually not that interesting. I use space breaks instead, and a lot of them. A space break makes a clean segue whereas some segues you try to write sound convenient, contrived. The white space sets off, underscores, the writing presented, and you have to be sure it deserves to be highlighted this way. If used honestly and not as a gimmick, these spaces can signify the way the mind really works, noting moments and assembling them in such a way that a kind of logic or pattern comes forward, until the accretion of moments forms a whole experience, observation, state of being. The connective tissue of a story is often the white space, which is not empty. There’s nothing new here, but what you don’t say can be as important as what you do say. (Amy Hempel, interviewed by Paul Winner. The Paris Review, Summer 2003)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Pick up a topic from my instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pick up a topic from my instruction - Essay Example Shattered by the partition of India, Boori Ma becomes homeless and takes refuge under the staircase of an old brick building in Calcutta where she does menial jobs like sweeping the staircase and in return gets refuge and food along with some odd things at times from the people of the building and neighborhood. Moving away from the usual canonical theme for which Lahiri is renowned, she presents a complete post-colonial and Marxist themes in the story, ‘A Real Durwan’. There is no such strong hinge on Diaspora. Rather the consequence a society, its people and culture encounters after the decolonization founds profound expression in the story (Shands, â€Å"Neither East Nor West†). This essay intends to explore and analyze the subtle theme of alienation and discourse towards existential crisis expressed through the post-colonial critic and reading of the story ‘A Real Durwan’ by Jhumpa Lahiri. At the outset, it might always seem that Lahiri’s story, ‘A Real Durwan’ is a prolific expression of her recurrent motifs and themes of Indo-American Diaspora. However, there is something beyond this mundane and well established fact that can be traced in the story, ‘A Real Durwan’. Something extra is definitely traced in the text by Lahiri but that extra is not only concerned with the geographical barriers and cultural complexity this time. Nevertheless, an impeccable study on the complexity prevailing on the specific nexus of space and time in the post-colonial as well as post-modern backdrop compels to make the character of Boori Ma central to the reading (Shands, â€Å"Neither East Nor West†). The story ‘A Real Durwan’ captivates a time span wider and intensified. Starting from the tenure of post-partition in India, the plot of the novel also oscillates to and fro to the past of Boori-Ma when India was undivided and was under
Friday, November 1, 2019
Reviewing the Literature and Applying Theory Essay - 1
Reviewing the Literature and Applying Theory - Essay Example Ideally, high-quality research evidence helps clinicians to offer the most effective and efficient patient treatment. Indeed, critical appraisal aims at informing health policy and nursing practice by allowing researchers, health administrators, and medical practitioners to compare and assess the quality of the research evidence (Carter, 2010). Through critical appraisal, clinicians establish the most reliable high-quality research evidence for nursing practice. In performing critical appraisal of articles selected for my topic, I will rely on the recommended structured process of analyzing fundamental aspects of the published articles (Jones, Crookes, & Johnson, 2011). I will assess the articles with regard to the quality of evidence, appropriateness of research design, suitability of the research methodology, and usefulness of research evidence to the nursing practice. Assessing whether the articles address the research topic and whether they contain valid, relevant, and reliable evidence will also be paramount (Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, Stillwell, & Williamson, 2010). I will also derive whether I can generalize the findings of the research article to my practice based on the homogeneity and stability of the contained research evidence. Moreover, I will assess the presence of potential conflicts of interest in my research articles. Fineout-Overholt E., Melnyk B.M., Stillwell S.B., & Williamson K. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice step by step: Critical appraisal of the evidence: part I. American Journal of Nursing, 110(7),
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